Decade of Commemorations 2013-2023
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The events of the decade between 1913 and 1923 were momentous and defining ones. It was the decade that influenced relationships for a generation and was a period which saw the achievement of Irish independence and the foundation of our State.
It was also a period of transformation and cultural renewal in Irish society, following on electoral reform, land reform, education reform and migration. The demand for constitutional change was in parallel with the assertion of workers’ rights and women’s rights.
The decade was one of the most momentous of modern Irish history and justifies a comprehensive commemorative programme that recognises its importance, acknowledges the achievements of its generation and enhances the understanding today of the events that shaped our society.
While the events that occurred between 1913 and 1923 had a huge impact nationally they had a particular relevance in the County of Galway.
Therefore, Galway County Council in the context of its role in providing civic leadership recognises the importance of playing a positive and proactive role in leading commemorative celebrations and activities during the course of the decade.
Commemorative Strategy For The County Of Galway
The Galway Commemorative Strategy and annual commemorative programmes shall encourage Galway people at home and abroad to remember our shared history and to reflect on the events which shaped us.
It aims to allow us to uncover and explore the many other stories of the period, that reveal the intertwining of our history and our lives, as we remember those times not just in exhibitions, books/publications and lectures but also through art, music and storytelling.
The Strategy and the annual commermoative programmes will place a strong emphasis on encouarging and enabling active community participation and engagement throughout the Decade of Commemoratons.
Galway County Council will seek to maximise community participation by providing support and advice through the Decade of Commemorations Steering Group, and within the limits of available funding, by providing financial support for appropriate community events, that are in accordance with the aims, principles and objectives of the Commemorative Strategy, through the Community Grants Scheme.
The Galway Commemorative Strategy will guide our approach and encourage all Galway people at home and abroad, to come together to commemorate our past and cherish our present in a way that enables us share and create hope and expectation for the future.
Decade of Commemorations 2013-2023
Relatives of Participants in the 1916 Rising in the County of Galway
Galway County Council would like to link in with the relatives of participants of the 1916 Rising in the County of Galway. If you had a family member who participated in the 1916 Rising in the county of Galway, and wish to be kept informed of events organised by Galway County Council to commemorate the centenary please complete the form and return by post or email to the addresses given in the form.
If you have more than one relative who participated in the 1916 Rising then please fill out the form below for each relative.
If you are unsure of any of the details in the form below (e.g. your relatives' battalion or garrison during the 1916 Rising) you may wish to use the Military Archives records to check.
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